Thursday, 6 December 2018

Best healthcare management software

Best healthcare management software

The main objective of this Hospital ManagementSoftware is to streamline and manage all the hospital operations. Moreover it’s a module based application. Therefore it’s very easy to handle all the departments separately. It has a very easy navigation system. Above all the interface is very user friendly. In fact it’s an ERP suit for your Hospitalmanagement. It’s a very beneficial software for any healthcare or hospital industry.
We will look into some useful features in the first place:

·         This application is web based as well as LAN based.
·         It’s fully customizable, moreover user friendly.
·         Mobile notification for Doctors.
·         Centralized and secured database.
·         Secure authentication.
·         Modular access permission for users.
·         Full usage tutorial & demo.
·         Easy & dynamic search options.
·         Easy query handling.
·         Bio-metric device integration; such as, access card, finger print access etc

Now we will overview some major modules:

1.         Service Management
2.         Patient Management
3.         Ward, Room, Bed Management
4.         Department Management
5.         Consultant Management
6.         Nursing Management
7.         Advance Treatment Management
8.         Store & Inventory Management
9.         Finance & Accounts Management
10.      Payroll & HRD Management
11.      Other Medical Services Management
12.      Reception Desk Management

Below the modules are mentioned in detail:
1)Service Management: 
This module is mainly to manage different services provided by the hospital. It also manages rates, service types, emergency charge, night stay charge and other amenities. It maintains all records of patients.
2) Patient Management: 
This module maintains all patient records; such as, patient info., patient problem, admission info., consultant info., billing, invoice, appointments, updated status etc. Also each & every data related to patient medical status & past medical history. It actually creates and stores a Unique Patient Id for each patient. With the help of this Unique ID patient can be identified. It is also used as the future references.

     a) Out-patient management:            
This module maintains the patients for outdoor consultation. It also creates unique patient id. It keeps record of billing, invoice for consultation, lab tests, medicine, procedures etc.
   b) In-patient management:    
This module manages patients who get admission in the hospital. Moreover creates a unique id and maintains all record and in the other hand It manages patient personal info, medical history, consultant appointments, treatment type, room charge, bed charge, tests info., nursing info., billing, invoice advance payment made and other amenity information.
3) Ward, Room, Bed management: 
This module manages the different wards in the hospital and also consultant, nurse & other medical staffs associated with particular ward. Similarly it also manages and keeps record of all the room and bed information. It manages room & bed occupancy with particular patient, available room & beds and moreover it gives notification of probable availability of the room or bed for further booking.
4) Department Management:
A hospital has a lot of different departments. Managing these huge departments is a tiresome and tough job. This application maintain & streamline these departments seamlessly. It manages all the records of department employee and payroll or contractual workers.
5) Consultant Management: 
This system maintains all the consultant’s detailed info., who are associated with the hospital. It also tracks all the consultants engaged with outdoor or indoor patients.It manages automatically the availability of consultants and their status for further appointments. It also manages current appointments of any consultant. In addition advantage of this advance application is that it notifies the consultants and the admin about appointments and schedules.
6) Nursing Management:
This module is very useful for better patient care. System automatically tracks patient condition to provide appropriate nursing. The system also maintains all the record of nurses and their schedule or engagement, otherwise it is difficult to manage all the details manually.
7) Advance Treatment Management:
This is a very advance feature of the application.This is also an automated module. This module keeps track of all related data about patient’s treatment process. It updates all test result, reports, consultant feedback etc. and ultimately helps to provide a better treatment to the patient.
8) Store & Inventory Management:
Store and inventory is a very important area of any hospital. The types of hospital inventories are huge as in quantity; and as well as price. This application keeps record of all current, damaged or replaced stock and inventory. It also maintains purchase orders. It tallies inventory with purchase invoice. Moreover it tracks inventory scraps and its selling.
9) Finance & Accounts Management:
With this module you can maintain all your finance and accounts related transactions.This module maintains proper record of all the expenses; such as, one time expenses,regular or recurring expenses. It also maintains income or credit details. Moreover it creates a proper balance sheet for audit work. The system also generates and maintains invoices and billings.
10) Payroll & HRD Management:
This module alone manages all employee record and their payroll. It creates segmentation of employees with heir specific department and manager. It keeps track of attendance & leaves of every employee. This application also generates payslip for employees.                                                      Bio-metric systems for attendance & access can also be integrated in this application.
11) Other Medical Services Management:
This application has a special module to manage all the medical services. Services such as, OT management, pharmacy management, lab management, lab reports management, pathology management etc.
12) Reception Desk Management:
It has a dedicated reception desk management module for reception counter. This module above all maintains all reception desk related works like, admission, appointments, query handling etc.

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