Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Healthcare management software in banaras

Online Healthcare management software in banaras

A powerful Online Healthcare management software in banaras is loaded with several modules having various characteristics that are of most useful to a hospital like front desk management, queue & appointment, pathology, pharmacy, radiology, accounts, finance, inventory, HR & payroll, ambulance management, etc. The advanced online HMS is capable to manage all the three departments i.e., administration, doctors (physicians) and patients easily. Some of the crucial modules of a HMS:

* Registration and Inquiry Management 

* Appointment & Queue Management 

* Casualty & Emergency Management 

* In-patient Admission-Discharge-Transfer(ADT) Management 

* Pharmacy Management 

* Nursing and Ward Management 

* Blood Bank Management 

* Laboratory Information System (LIS)

* Radiology Information System 

* PACS Radiology (DICOM Compliance) 

The major goals of a Healthcare Management Software in india are effective management of the day-to-day functions of a Hospital , improved administration, enhance the patient care, improve the work efficiency, regulate the accounts, billing & finance, and offer superior services to the patients within a limited time frame.

Online Healthcare management software in banaras

It makes the patients information available and accessible online for the physicians. The software creates and manages appointment with patient, prescription for patient, provides medication for patients , checks bed allotment for patient. It can manage patient registration, doctor account, nurse account, pharmacist account, laboratory, accountant, patient payment , bed, blood bank report , pharmacy status, ward, cabin status , etc.  

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